is the average life expectancy of a homeless man
Addressing homeless health
is the average life expectancy of a homeless woman
“Wirral Ark provides rooms for homeless people who are ill. We link in with the hospice and district nurses to give them the best care possible. This is the only home they have.”
Norma, Nurse Sister
At Mary Cole House, a nurse-run clinic is available to provide onsite healthcare, as many homeless people do not have access to much-needed clinical options. Since offering these services, Wirral Ark has provided 3,444 homeless people with medical advice and support.
Each Wirral Ark client is given a health check on admission, to ensure they are registered with a GP, and to identify any chronic disease which we can then be managed effectively. We also aid with registering for a GP when needed.
The clinic also treats minor illnesses and injuries and provides referrals to appropriate other services if necessary. It is offered as a drop-in service, so no appointments are needed as this is often a deterrent for clients as they struggle manage scheduled appointments. In addition, the team liaise with any other services to ensure residents get the best and most appropriate available healthcare needed.
Slots at the clinic are used to their maximum, and often help alleviate unnecessary attendance at walk in centres or A&E, as issues are either treated before coming and issue, or treatment provided on site. The clinic has also developed self-harm kits to provide residents with the items needed to treat themselves.
The clinic offers an NHS health check for aged 40 + to look at risks for developing chronic diseases and implement an action plan to manage risks, if a resident receives high scores.
“Homeless people often won’t go to a GP… hopefully we’re extending their lives with these services”
Patsy, Advanced Nurse Practitioner